(set #nonlist "AmiComSys requires the MUI-costum-class\nNList.mcc version 19+ by Gilles Masson\n\nIt must be installed before AmiComSys\nPlease, download it from Aminet:dev/mui/MCC_NList0.85.lha\nAnd install it with the included installer script\nThen try to install AmiComSys again ...")
(set #nomui "AmiComSys requires Magic User Interface (MUI) 3.8!\n\nYou can find it on Aminet:dev/gui/mui38usr.lha")
(set #wrongcpu0 "This archive does only include a version for 68020/kickstart 3.0 and\nhigher.\n\nYou may download a 68000 version from\nhttp://amicomsys.tibb.at\nAt the bottom of the page\n\nInstallation is aborted")
(set #wrongcpu2 "This archive does only include a version for 68000/Kickstart 2.0 and\nhigher. A version for 68020 and higher is available\nat http://amicomsys.tibb.at\nor\nAminet:comm/net/AmiComSysMUI.lha")
(set #seldocs "Select which documentation you want to install!")
(set #selscr "Do you want to install the following Arexx-scripts?\nThey may be executed at different occasions.\nIf you already have a costum version of these you\nshould not check the checkboxes infront of the names.")
(set #selscrhelp "The NotifyArexx.amicomsys may be executed when someone is\nconnecting or disconnecting. A simple example is included in this\narchive, but a more versatile one can be found at\nAminet:comm/net/ACS-Notify.lha and is written by Scott Beardwood\nThe MessageArexx.amicomsys script may be executed when someone\nmessage you. There is a simple example script in this archive.\nThese scripts does only work if you have registered AmiComSys.")
(set #selsize "Which screen size will AmiComSys run at?")
(set #selsizehelp "Specify which screen size AmiComSys will run at.\nIf your screen size is lower than 640x512 then the\nTooltype LOWRESOLUTION will be inserted into\nthe AmiComSys icon.\nIf this Tooltype exists AmiComSys will open up with a\nwindow layout that will work on such a system.")
(set #selimages "Do you want to use the 20 colour-(NewIcons-style)-graphics-buttons\nor the 8 coulour-(MagicWB-style)-graphics-buttons?")
(set #selimageshelp "This version of AmiComSys have graphics here and there.\nDo you want MagicWB style graphics or the NewIcons one?\nIf you have installed a replacement graphics-set, you'd better\nspecify that. If not it would be overwritten.\nIf you have screen size that is smaller than 640x512 then\nbetter choose the NewIcons graphics set, because the MagicWB one\nis to big.\nNote that the NewIcons 3/4 does not have to be installed\nto use the 20 colour-images!")
(set #readmefile "AmiComSysMUI1.25a.readme");
(set #notextinput "If you are using Amiga Kickstart 36, 37 or 38\nAmiComSys requires the costum MUI class\nTextinput.mcc.\nThis class couldn't be found in\nyour LIBS:/mui directory.\n\nPlease download it from\nftp://ftp.vapor.com/misc/textinpt_13.XX.lzx\nwhere XX is 34 or higher.");
(set #stringtext "")
(set #wrongos "This version of AmiComSys requires Kickstart 3.0+\nThere is Kickstart 2.0 version available at the\nhome page.")